Friday, December 17, 2010

December Dreaming

The missed opportunity of a new Land Rover does not stop the dreaming for and about La Gonave.

We returned Dec 6th to the Service Cretian Guest House in Anse a Galets and Fifi's wonderful Haitian cuisine and hospitality. It was good to be warm.

Cholera has raised awareness on the island and Fifi was careful with our bath and food preparation. Fist bumping has replaced the traditional hand shake and cheek to cheek greeting.

Pastor Admirable had asked us to assess the possibility of completing work on the Methodist Church building in AAG. We met with Pastor and Mm Medina to take photos of the church and to discuss the current ministry and future dreams. As soon as we receive the performas (estimates) of plans discussed I will file team project profiles with the jurisdictional directors and VIM.

We were thrilled to meet with some of the scholarship students and receive progress reports. Best was getting to give Benoit Dorvil, an engineering student, photos and notes from his new church sponsor. The Kansas City Congregation has pledged to see him through university, which for a bright, young adult on La Gonave is a dream come true.

Receiving reports and meeting with Louis and Davilma, leaders of the industrial group, APG, was rewarding. The local mayors have recognized the group and several programs beyond the goat park and agriculture have been initiated. They asked that AAPLAG provide another 3 day training for reinforcement of the program and to invite other community leaders to help them understand the impact for industry on the south side.

We met with Haiti Outreach at the well at Dent Griern. A camera dropped down the well revealed a sucker pipe at 236 foot and small rock obstruction at 258 foot. Attempts to retrieve the pipe failed. There are "do overs" in Haiti so we reclaimed stored solar energy pumping equipment and materials to use to repair the Port a Rocquette well. When our well is FINALLY opened it will be replaced but DG folks are uncertain why we were removing their hope for water. There is work to do before that dream comes true.

From Dent Grien we forged our way to Troubaigai on a burro path to a well site recommended by the geological studies done earlier. We will attempt at places where water is most likely, but maps are not encouraging. Water is a limited commodity not where it should be and found in unlikely spots. Concern WW, the Haiti Government and numerous NGO's are attempting to provide a supply that is precious as gold and far more life giving.

Friday the 11th, as post election protests halted all airlines we received word our daughter was on life support in Wichita, Kansas. It was doubtful we could swim to Miami so Missionary Air Federation flew us to PaP where we then went to the DR and home. Arrived in Wichita on Sunday evening and now I stand at the bedside of our daughter dreaming her eyes will open to see me.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Worldly Issues

Leave for La Gonave in 3 days and I'm 3 weeks behind with preparations. Have been totally engrossed with grandchildren and parents who create a wonderful distraction from "worldly" issues. Not sure it is intended to be that way but think my mind needed to NOT think cholera, homelessness in pouring rain, dirty water and no food.

Now, increased calls about cholera on south la gonave with water treatment being distributed on the North side of the island, come pounding back to attention. The excuse we always were given for oversight of people on the south was "that is Methodist territory" and we aren't allowed. Of course, Father Roosevelt gets to carry the load, with help from Catholic Charities. The Methodist church closed their compound and projects years ago.

We will be investigating some transitional housing possibilities for the many still homeless since January. Louis and Enicson said today many are going to the island to stay away from cholera but now people on the south and west are dying. Transportation from the south side is an all day journey or a grueling and dangerous ride on a motorcycle that most can't afford.

We took a road trip to Colorado several years ago and I returned with a good case of good poinsoning. Not "cool" on a big bike in the mountains with..umm
..a rebelling inner constitution. Probably not more than a half dozen latrines for 20,000 people so "it" all washes into the sea, eventually. Fortunately cholera only infects shell fish BUT chonch and lobster are sold at market on the mainland.

Spent the afternoon preparing a new brochure related to water issues and our project on LGN. Hoping to find Concern WW and others successfully fixing broken wells. Generally, activity is limited to the north and east because it is less challenging. Hope to have new information on industry and education before we leave. Stay tuned.

We are excited that one church in Kansas West has an Advent project to raise money to drill one well on La gonave. Another church in KC District just partnered with a civil engineering student in PaP to pay his tuition for the next four years. We will get to give him photos and notes from them and see the relief in his eyes.

Perhaps it doesn't seem like much for 100,000 plus people, but with what other NGO's are doing it all adds up. The exciting thing, is nearly all projects are focused on Haitian sustainability. The students are excited about gaining skills to address issues that make life miserable for their families and communities. If forced to work in the US they can only send money from time to time which changes nothing.

Joe says the soup is ready and other work awaits. An auction at our church tomorrow to raise funds for an intergenerational mission trip this spring and the return of our Colorado Kids will curtail what little shopping we managed.

Jesus told the people, in my morning devotion, that saying "Lord, Lord," plus some pious living was no guarantee they would encounter kingdom living. Guess, that means I don't have much to say in the matter so I'll just go do what I can, and enjoy the kingdom as I find it with friends who care about those things that are pounding in my soul.