As I am on my third cup of coffee this will be short as I hope all in the future will be. Perhaps more frequent posts and more focused.
I will be serving a local church half time starting in July plus Joe and I will continue to support La Gonave Haiti projects with visits to the island extended to every 4 months. Projects are water cisterns and wells, education scholarships for university and vocational schools, and APG Industrial Development program.
My last visit to La Gonave was early March. Flew from Newark and stayed at the new Baptist Mission Center with great accommodations. Was greeted at the airport by 3 students and had a good visit.
I shared Fifi's & time on LGN with Ed & Sally Ritter from Florida.
I met with the water committee from Trou Bagay, Concern WW and WASH, the small orphanage in Ansagale and Agonus school to observe the Ritters in action teaching the CEH program. Considering partnering with WASH/Concern for well at Trou Bagay if can't work something with Haiti Outreach.
Visited Pastor Medina to see church in AAG and talked with the team leader from Virginia with 4th team. He expressed concern for progress. I noted few "hired" Haitian workers.
Louis Dufrene, our animator left a day early to be a translator for First Saints Community Church team working it's first experience in Trou Jacques. They later reported the project paradigm developed by FSCC with the Haitian Methodist Church and UMVIM is poorly understood and followed by the receiving church leaders.
We continue to work on EMH projects while managing our own funding and partnering with other agencies on La Gonave.
Our current water funds have repaired 3 cisterns and trained community leaders in water management and provided a catchments and holding tank for the APG goat park. Water remains critical particularly on the west end of La Gonave.
First of April we delivered 500 lbs of Layettes and School kits to the Midwest Mission Distribution Center in Chatham IL and was impressed with the distance, reception and future association considerations.