The Bishop's Round-Up Against Hunger announces its 2016 celebration event for Saturday, November 19 from 9 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at the Douglass County ...
Since 1977 the island of La Gonave Haiti has looked to hunger assistance from the funds generated by the annual hunger program first named "Bishop's Round Up for Hunger".
Kansas East Conference VIM Teams began trips to the long narrow island about 30 plus miles off the mainland of Haiti pointing at Port au Prince.
A long, hot sail boat ride took small teams to the undeveloped island to help build a clinic, guest house, school and with assistance from the General Board of Global Ministries to drill wells and collection systems.
Since 1977 the "now" Great Plains Conference along with many others have had the feeling of being "lost at sea" and aground on a island of very poor and very welcoming Haitian citizens. So many have known the joy of sharing gifts of foods, school supplies, medical and dental care and a part of life in a remote part of the world.