A "Haitian Thing" we ..nor the students anticipated was that with a license AND diploma they ... like med students have to work a year before they are hired. Med students can work of the government and some nurses can work for public hospitals without pay. Otherwise they are on their own and poor until than year goes by AND then either find the money to begin their own business or with luck be hired in their field.
Currently we have two in business, one working this year building a school for small wages and experience and others trying to find food and funds for living and looking.
We are being protective of funds for the young ones still in school and we have helped "out of pocket" for those with emergencies and special needs. We still have one very faithful person with a monthly donation that really helps.
I have no real idea of how long or how much help they will need or for how long. Mostly it is smaller expenses to help them "get started"....Enickson has a good business but purchased property and is slowly building a 3 room home to house family and business.
This small grant from Round Up will be the last. A few months ago Enickson had a video conversation with the committee as it met and expressed the students appreciation for all the money and encouragement from Round UP. The graduates are all now professionals and understand that we didn't provide the money; that there were hundreds of people who care about education for those from La Gonave.
Our GBGN Advance Special is still active but no longer handled through Central UMC. Sid eventually retired as treasurer. He was responsible for many increased donations due to his skill and dedication to depositing funds and record keeping and correspondence when we were on the island and could not.
Now donations are to be sent to Edgerton Haiti Mission and sent to our home address. The money still goes to the National Bank in Harveyville that can make bank transfers when needed.
Since we are STILL SPONSORING EDUCATION IN HAITI we appreciate those who live far away; Judy Atwood in California and others who remember the need. We continue to do presentations and find very generous people in UMW units and special church collections ...like Olathe Grace and many small rural congregations and individuals.
Haiti is a small country; young people desire education and seek to improve life for their families and their country; AND, they depend on their faith in a powerful God, and caring and sharing people like all who have supported our efforts. With great gratitude for the past and hope for the future. Thank you all.
Pastor shirley and Joe Edgerton ...Better known in Haiti as Madam & Boss Joe Edgerton