Wednesday, November 11, 2015

What a Few Do

“What A Few Do”                                                                                           Nov 11, 2015    
Long time no blog! We look forward to a team experience in March to La Gonave to continue work on a church, meet with students, investigate a retailer, and (for Joe and me) to just be there together for the first time since 2010. He has gone with teams but I have gone alone.
A text yesterday informed us that the father of Wiltere who taught us Kreyol on La Gonave had died. See photo. That means money is needed to pay the drummers and dancers to raise money for burial in a cript. Wiltere is the last of his sons, who is raising 3 families of children on a fairly unproductive farm …and Wiltere was probably the most unsuccessful fisherman I ever met. His redeeming qualities were his love of family, God and all God’s children.  He was a great teacher for us. We will send him some money as we haven’t a clue how they survive except by the grace of God.
We still have 3 university students who are graduating or near graduation and 4 High School students at various stages.One of our graduates is now a new papa AND training to be a preacher as he waits for a plan to become a businessman and preacher. See photo of our newest Godchild, Apollos !
Our Haiti share from Round Up Against Hunger, we hope will pay expenses for the university students.  High School is a seven year program and most are about mid-way to near completion. Tuition is less than university by far and we hope to find some sponsors who would get to know some fine young adults and help them at least do what few do.
We talk with students more frequently than our own children and grandchildren as Facebook messenger is time to touch base each morning with students, graduates and their smart phones. They are all pretty “techy” and the phone is a part of life in Haiti as it is here. Only the service is very hard to understand in Haiti.
We hope to see some of you at Round Up.  With changes in the Conference things are rearrange somewhat but there are still food pantries and people in need in our region.
Our Mercy and Justice partnerships are always an opportunity to do what more than a few do, as we pray for and partner with our brothers and sisters who are trying to have a better life.

Pastor Shirley & Joe Edgerton, Axtell KS  Axtell – Beattie UMC charge.