This little two year old is an orphan who just happens to be in love with Joe. Her family includes and aunt and uncle, cousin who is a school teacher who provides for her, his parents, a wife and one child and another orphan 4 year old. Not unusual in Sousafilip.
We aren't sure how adoptions are done on the island. We know some orphanages keep children several years and have adoptive parents support them and visit for long periods of time. Others are just a call away and I'm honestly not sure who to contact. I have asked several and all give different answers.
This child is cared for but is a real hardship that is just accepted by an old couple who can't support themselves. She sqeals plays and is miss obnoxious personallity!
When I first arrived she was a newborn and I was asked to visit her mother who had 3 voudou zombies on her and was paralyzed and unable to speak. In reality she was so brain injured she was near death. After a long hospital stay she could sit up but not much else. Pastor Abner managed to get her to a healer in AAG...where she eventually died.
In our 16 months we have become aware of many like this little doll, some bigger, but all joyful and half naked. Joe and I are just wandering how hard it will be to get through customs when we finally go home. I don't think we will be the only ones on the plane with giggling carry ons.
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