A team from Agusta Georgia was here and we opened a free clinic for 4 days. Surprisely we had over 400 people begin arriving at 5:30 each morning. We managed to see only 50 the first day then decided to divide and conquer. One nurse did well baby assessments, I did adult assessments with Dr. Rodney for consultation and Dr. Rodney did exams and directed the pharmacy. We managed to see many people who came with entire families.
General concensus of the medical staff was that over 85% of patient complaints were related to issues of unclean water and inadequate food. That is to say, if there were good water and food to eat most would not need the clinic other than for injuries and disease.
As we attempt to determine the need and feasiblilty of opening a community clinic we must consider cause of illness and the best approach. It seems that continued efforts to provide water and purification plus finding a way to make food more affordable and available might reduce the need for another clinic may well not be sustainable.
We did see several people who were referred for follow up care. A couple of ladies with breast tumors and some with cataracts and the boy in the photo above.
This youngster is 3 years old, had been seen about a year ago yet untreated. His head measured 28 inches and he appeared somewhat mentally empared. Perhaps hydrocephalis is not easily treated in Haiti or treatable now but we plan to help the mother take him to St Joseph's Children's Hospital in PaP.
Most of the people we see and refer to hospitals never go, or only make the trip when we provide about $20.00 US for transportation. Most have a place to stay once they get to the mainland. We ask them to bring a paper from the physician with report of exam and planned treatment. We have discovered the price may go up when it is noted they have a sponsor so we offer a portion of the estimated cost and usually that is acceptible.
Anyone interested in providing some funds for travel and medical treatment for the little boy or any of the others referred may send a check to our Advance Special at Central UMC in Lawrence Kansas and it would be much appreciated.
For tax deductable support of any part of this mission:
Make a check payable to :
Central UMC Advance#982465-6
Mail to :
Lawrence Central UMC, 1501 Massachuettes, Lawrence KS 66044.
Feel free to email us at sjelagonave@yahoo.com and
check out our web page at http://www.centralumclawrence.org/
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