Saturday, August 4, 2012

Talking Expectations

It is the season to get many calls from La Gonave.  It is "back to school" time there as it is here and anxiety is raised as crops have failed and expenses rise, and  nothing works right.  Monday we again do a skype conference with Partners for Haiti and EMH representatives.  The talk there is about short term projects and teams and how to "work" without creating dependency.  Talking, expectations.

Our experience has been long term and some issues have become non issues as we built relationships and tapped the desire of young leaders who want knowledge and independence.  The culture and multitude of challenges make independence difficult.  History does not help, but we have watched the planted seeds begin to grow.  Our dream of their self-sustaining role is perhaps too enthusiastic for Haiti, but "push" we do.

A great need for our manager, "animator-Louis" is an ATV that is available from Mr. Bee, but is in need of tires and a plan for use and maintenance.  We have received some generous donations, and give thanks for those. Louis is a "big boy" and tap taps do not like to transport him.  He can ride a motorcycle but manages to hurt something most times he goes far.

Louis manages reports and tuition schedules for most of the students. He and Joe maintain an excel worksheet and Louis often receive funds for some of the students and distributes it to them.  Most students want to talk directly to us as the "source" but Louis interprets needs.

 He also is secretary of the industrial association APG and helps Davilma manage training of groups, the goat park and projects for vendors and gardeners.  They have developed programs for planting 7000 trees, a small micro finance plan for gardeners and training programs for groups. I wish I could say "all is working well" but it is Haiti with many challenges. We are at least on the same page, as their desire for independence will hopefully overcome the challenges in time.

One project with the La Gonave Circuit involves First Saints Community Church in Maryland.  They have sent teams to Trou Jacques for repair of cisterns and are now looking into beginning a micro lending program for the community.  The teams are pleased but UMVIM has changed protocols and tell us they are no longer approving projects on the island.  So, we work directly with commuities and US congregations for the time being.

Water remains a critical issue with Concern WW, WASH and Haiti Outreach waiting on project funds to continue searching for water on the west half of LGN.  We have invested without results and as we wait we are repairing community and church cisterns.

Joe and I continue to alternate quarterly trips to reinforce programs and projects.  We welcome individuals and small groups interested in meeting with the leadership of the island and getting a taste of the culture in the most remote area of Haiti.  Anyone interested please call as I will soon be making arrangements to return in October.

I have been preaching a sermon series from the Book of Ephesians.  Paul calls for unity in ministry by all who believe and accept compassion of Christ is the way to do ministry that moves all people toward God's plan for Shalom / Well-being for all God's people.  He says it takes those mature in faith to be apostles, prophets, evangelists and effect the lives of those outside the community of God.  Thinking expectations, I pray for maturity of all in our two diverse cultures.   Pastor Shirley

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