Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Narrative Lectionary for Axtell / Beattie Preaching: I have been preaching the Common Lectionary most of my preaching life. It is in my DNA, I believe, I am not to not always do what I have always done. A preaching site I frequent offers (though the Lutheran site) a Narrative lectionary that in 4 years moves us through the Hebrew teachings AND some new approaches to Advent and Lent.  My concern was liturgy and music but after exploring Facebook I have entered into conversations with Presbyterians, Lutherans and others. The conversations are stimulating and thought provoking and new.
NEW!  God so often promises “new things”. I know I have never had two days just alike in all my years. I learn something new every day. I always mange to make new “mistakes”!  Last evening I learned how to “teach well” an adult Bible Study class. I’ve been teaching Bible classes for years, but the church leader teaching last evening has a “gift” and made it all new for me.
So much “teaching material” is not covered by the lectionary but I have feared “to tread a new path” seemingly without trail markers. I have discovered others are seeking the something new and in this new community of travelers I have discovered wisdom, humility and most of all respect for and desire to share and explore God’s word for all.
I’m “beginning” my exploration with the most familiar text from Deuteronomy which is the second reading / teaching of the 10 Commandments and the Shema.  Amazing that in this season of political promises for “new laws” aimed at solving problems, I get to preach on the basic biblical laws aimed at making life better.

There is much concern about how to make church “better”; how to protect our schools and the children in them; and how to care for creation. Perhaps we will find some answers as we to a new thing by “re-looking” at some ancient scriptures. Prayers are welcome.

Please remember the Haitian Students from La Gonave that receive funding from Round-Up each year.  Shirley

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