Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dream with Me

As we explore the possibilities of forming a coalition or joining with some UM Churches in Florida and S.Dakota, God tempts us with a proposition that seems like getting our cart before our horses, so to speak.

We have an opportunty to purchase a brand spanking new land rover possibly one similar to the photo. They sell for $64,000.00 new and we have the opportunity to purchase (with our friends in mission on La gonave) one for $20,000.00.

We recently paid $800.00 to get a very old land rover repaired for AAPLAG so we would have transportation on the island. Old land rovers are not risky as they do seem to last "forever"..and beyond. The older they get the fewer ammenities they have and the more limited the usage. The one we now use seats four inside and has a short bed where 4 more can bounce around. It does go more easily to places nearly impassible to the GBGM Toyota pick-up we had when we lived on LGN.

As we look to the future of joining with others, doing similar projects, expanding what we can do, and expanding our mission and ministry on La gonave, transportation is, as it has always been, a challening issue on La gonave. We have paid for use of World Vision land rovers to transport Haitian leaders for training. Often we load, or "overload" a small pick up and abuse bodies bouncing over the rocks.

We have been concerned about safety issues since the Catholic church pick-up did not navigate a steep hill and curve and several Haitian workers were killed and injured. Travel on the island is risky even tho a social event. My feelings after a trip was as I imagined the feelings of one who just successfully rode a rodeo Brama bull! Of course, my body didn't boast!

Our account is ear-marked for water, education and industry and resourses are limited since we returned to the US. What an offer to come at such a time.

The Wesleyan Hospital is getting one land rover, but there is room on the container for two (for the same price). The decision has to be made by November 28th.

Join us as we "dream" of the possibility...there is a door open, but is it a tease, a temptation or a test of our mission future?

Come dream with me at least for a few days.

1 comment:

  1. It is November 28. I am anxious to hear if you got the new land rover!
