At long last the wind is down to a nice breeze. Some have even shed one layer of clothing!
Yesterday afternoon we wandered to the beach to see what was happening just as a fishing boat arrived with a rather strange variety of fish.
The fellow in the photo is a foo foo fish and someone bought both and said they are very good to eat. To me they seemed very large but apparently they get much bigger. Everyone was careful to stay away from the pointy things all over the body.
The rest of the "catch" was very impressive and much appreciated as many have not eaten much this week. People were purchasing anywhere from one to 10 fish of various sizes for very small amounts of money. Some tiny fish were sold by the pan full to be deep fried and eaten head, tail, insides and all!! I haven't mastered that yet.
It is still calm today with a balmy temp of about 91 degrees and light breeze. We will walk to Port a Bonheur after our breakfast of bread and lobster.
We are in search of a location for a clinic where we can provide nurses, doctor, lab, health education and local management. The clinic will be available to 10,000 plus people in more that 7-10 communities who now walk many miles for health care. Three have died because they could not reach a health facility in time.
Well, balmy days, foo foo fish and work to do on the second Sunday of Lent. Shirley
I haven't seen too many foo foo Lenten specials here. You get another adventure. Blessings, Bruce