Monday, March 16, 2009

Starthrower Scholarships

The Haitian Methodist Church offers a scholarship program but generally for children of ordained clergy..of which there are not very many. For most Haitian young people education beyond sixth grade is nearly impossible. Only about53 percent on the island of La Gonave even attend primary classes. This year the numbers are way down because money is so scarse following the storms of September.

The young woman pictured, is the daugter of a former mariner who died at sea when she and her older sister were still in primary grades. The older sister, Weslene was the nurse here when we came and Kathia was completing her High School classes. Kathia wanted medical school but her mother who had worked so hard to get them both through school could not swing that.

Kathia paid the first semester of a diploma nursing program but the hours were long she was traveling late at night in Port au Prince. She dropped out and came home, discouraged. We were introduced to her by a young man who asked for help to attend English school. He plans to work through university as a translator. We interviewed Kathia and she happily enrolled in a 5 year university nursing program. She says she will be happy to deliver babies.

We have sponsors for eight students in university and vocational school the last two years. University costs have risen in Haiti but compared to the US are very small. Schools offer only academic studies and science, medical and engineering students must work while in school. The study is intense.

There are a variety of vocational schools with programs 3 months to 3 years and cost $100.00 for 3 months to $325.00 a year for a 3 year technical program such as diesel mechanics training. University courses cost $500.00 per year to 1500.00 per year for science courses. There are book expenses on top of the tuition for some but most are covered by the tuition.

We have named this project the Starthrower Scholarship Program. It is a big committment of those who chose to help a university student. The students who actually jump through the hoops we set before we try to find a sponsor are the Haitians of the future we feel will touch more lives than we ever will. Now there are many children longing just for primary school and can't have it. These educated young people will understand the critical importance of education in this country, we believe.

We and the young people like Kathia, are grateful to all who support the scholarship program. When we leave the program will continue through a partnership program between participants in the US and a couple of scholarship recipients in Haiti. To participate in some way just email us at
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